2013 02 11
comes clear to me this morning that my calling (if I have such a
thing) is to encourage people to think, perhaps even to teach them
“how to think, not what to think” as The Prosperos slogan
announced. And not just my circle of friends, who listen because they
know and love me, but a broader audience.
Ponderings is a format for broadcasting instigative observations and
suggestions. A more defined presentation in a lecture format would be
something to think about. In the old days the adage was “hire a
hall and print some flyers”. I wonder if some version of that might
still work. Or, more likely some employment of the
internet/Facebook/Twitter reality would be more efficacious.
I now perecive
that it has been misguided to take advantage of my friends by
expecting them to help me attain a sense of fulfillment or
accomplishment by their listening and encouragement.
But, upon what
would I lecture?? I have no system of thought, no belief myth to
supplant the current one, I don't offer hope (now that I clearly
perceive the inevitability of collapse). The “mitigation of human
suffering” is pretty thin fare for the common man. [indirection? Go
to Contrarian and review; cf “sly man”; Nasrudin]