2012 09 10

Recent earthquakes, combined with the unignorable evidence of global climate disruption have brought into focus for me the implacable hopelessness of he poor on our planet. This unpleasant clarity of implicative vision seems to bring to an end a persistant but unfounded PollyAnna-ness on my part. The poor will always lose and die. Quakes and tsunamis invariably take their most devastating toll among those least able to protect themselves with adequate housing or stored supplies of food and water. The droughts and floods resulting from global climate change are already the harbingers of increased food costs which can only lead to starvation among those who can't pay. The grinding dynamics of population overload, natural disaster, economic imbalance and aggrandizement of privilege make it impossible to imagine a kinder, gentler world for those who don't have money or its equivalent. As conditions worsen only those who have been able to financially or politically insulate themselves from the collapse of the social infrastructure will be able to survive.

I don't regard the above observation to be defeatist, or fundamentally pessimistic - merely ineluctable. And that which cannot be avoided must be countenanced - surely with as much compassion and forethought as can be brought to bear - but countenanced nevertheless.

 2012 04 09

A couple of poignant observations about America, the self-nominated "Greatest Nation in the History of the World". First, America still condones the institution of state-sanctioned murder long after the rest of the civilized world has eschewed this atavistic practice. And second, America steadfastly refuses to provide its citizens basic health care and access to minimum sustenance. Both of these obvious facts exist in contravention of its own founding document which asserts that, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are unalienable rights. It is axiomatic that a state organized along such principles can lay claim to no moral authority for the implementation of capital punishment. Further, there can be no life without health, and happiness is difficult if not impossible to pursue on an empty stomach. I do not condemn America, I merely remind her of her promise.

 2012 06 26

Another paradigm shift: conscriptive service in warfare to have a minimum draft age of 50 years. No longer will we send the flower of our youth to die defending what they cannot possibly comprehend.